Volkswirtschaftliche Entwicklung
Cholera outbreak

Women-led businesses suffer most

Business people fear that the recent cholera outbreak in Zambia, coming only around two years after the Covid-19 pandemic, will financially stress local businesses, especially those run by women.


Nepal ist eingezwängt zwischen zwei BRICS-Giganten

Gute Beziehungen zu Indien und China aufrechtzuerhalten ist notwendig, aber ein schwieriges Unterfangen für die Regierung in Kathmandu.

Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Wie sich Indiens weltweiter Einfluss entwickeln könnte

Die GIZ hat vier Szenarien entwickelt, geprägt von Indiens innenpolitischer Entwicklung, dem Verhältnis zu China, der Ausrichtung der BRICS+ und den Beziehungen zum Westen.

Soziale Ungleichheit

Indiens kleine Oligarchenelite profitiert

Unter Premierminister Narendra Modi werden Indiens Reiche reicher

National census

Counting the number of people

The Ugandan government is conducting a census after a decade, estimating the country’s population to be over 40 million people.


Menschen leiden unter politischer Entscheidung

Nach erneuter Schließung der Grenzen zwischen Burundi und Ruanda, fordert die Grenzbevölkerung die Wiedereröffnung der Grenzen.

Business start-up

Local mobile app challenging international competitor

In South Africa, Delivery ka Speed is cheap and easy to access, and it offers its services in townships Uber Eats is avoiding.

Undocumented immigrants

Immigrants trapped in illegality

In Johannesburg, clerics and worshippers say their conscience is torn between illegal money and seeing their churches impoverished, because they fund their churches with illegal mining.

Informal business

Hard working female head porters in Ghana

In Ghana, many rural, poor women are left with no option but to take up labour-intensive blue-collar jobs, such as carrying heavy loads with pans on their heads.


Free access television viewing for all

Governments in Sub-Saharan-Africa strive to destroy the monopoly of Africa’s leading pay-TV provider, offering cheap free-to-air devices to their citizens.

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