Political violence

Hard times

Terrorism is undermining Tunisia

Summer Special

Horror witnessed by a child

Summer Special 3: In “First they killed my father”, Loung Ung describes how she has experienced the Khmer Rouge terror regime as a child


Non-communicable diseases on the rise

Non-communicable diseases are on the rise in newly industrialised countries


Demand for equal opportunities

Indian Muslims deserve equal opportunities, but are marginalised in social, economic and political life


Islamist insurgents in eastern Africa

Why eastern Africa has become a hotbed of extremism and why foreign military interventions cannot solve the problems

Summer Special

“Being enemies made us friends”

Summer-Special 2: The story of an unlikely friendship across enemy frontlines

Democracy and human rights

The Sachar Committee

Systematic neglect of Muslims, India’s largest minority


Clashing ideologies

Bangladesh’s crisis of civil liberties and human rights

Summer special

Leaving Iran and returning again

Summer special 1: Persepolis – A story of childhood, exile and return


What makes the Al-Shabaab strong

Characteristics of Al-Shabaab, eastern Africa’s most dangerous Islamist outfit

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