Development and


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Katja Dombrowski

Katja Dombrowski

is a former member of the editorial team of D+C/E+Z and currently a media specialist for the WFD in southern Bolivia.



All articles of Katja Dombrowski

Living with nature

Bolivia’s extraordinary biodiversity is under threat

Bolivia has many protected areas, but human activities are impacting the country’s biodiversity

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Decoupling prosperity from skin colour

Racism persists because marginalised communities are largely excluded from positions of leadership

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Negative emissions to get to net zero

Governments must rise to their responsibility


Mauritian minister warns: “It is a matter of life and death”

Small island developing states are hardly responsible for climate change but most affected


A carbon tax should promote redistribution

Redistribution is essential to the success of energy-price reforms in developing countries

The economics of biodiversity

Completely rethinking economics

The British Dasgupta Review considers nature an economic asset

Environmental sustainability

First steps towards keeping environment toxin free

The EU wants its sustainable chemicals strategy to set global standards

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Chemical intensification set to breach planetary boundaries

Only global cooperation can bring about sound chemicals management and sustainability

Military coup

Where hope lies

The military coup is a major setback for democracy in Myanmar

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