Development and

Central Asia, Caucasia, Southeast Europe and Russia

Women in Afghanistan

“Even that red line no longer exists”

In Afghanistan, the Taliban are systematically banishing women from the public sphere while the world looks on. Human-rights expert Selmin Çalışkan discusses creative activism and international solidarity – and how women in Afghanistan are fighting back.

Central Asia

Soviet-era borders cause trouble today

The people in the Ferghana Valley have complex, multi-layered identities that cannot be properly defined along ethno-linguistic lines. Polices that are based on this insight may well prove to be the key to lasting peace.

Gender justice

NGO documents worsening plight of Afghan women

Islamist Taliban regime has effectively erased women from public life.

International Criminal Court

Why Mongolia’s legal failure to arrest Putin has only limited political impact

Mongolia is a small nation sandwiched between two geopolitical giants and unable to stand up to either of them


Advantages and pitfalls of sanctions

A political scientist provides insights into the impacts of sanctions as a primary tool for leverage in international politics.

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Russia and China

BRICS-members are not coordinating their West-Africa strategies

Ghanaian scholar assesses Russia’s role in ECOWAS and speaks of new scramble for Africa

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Silence is not golden

Survivors from all parties to the conflict are gathering today at sites of the Bosnian War. Together, they want to send a message of justice and reconciliation in a country that is still torn apart

Medication supply

Pharmacists Without Borders is facing unprecedented challenges

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the organisation Pharmacists Without Borders has had to manage its largest emergency aid mission yet

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HBO miniseries

“Chernobyl”: The cost of lies

The miniseries “Chernobyl” revolves around the worst nuclear accident in the world

Press review

African media on the Russia-Africa Summit

On 27 to 28 July 2023, the second Russia-Africa Summit was held in Saint Petersburg. Here are excerpts of selected pieces of African media coverage on the meeting

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