Summer special

Longing for a better life

Summer Special 7: The shattered dream of a better life in Fortress Europe


Concern for victims

Islamists benefit from old anti-colonial sentiments

Summer special

A changing country

Summer Special 6: A novel about Ethiopia’s turbulent history


A lack of political reform

The confessional system and the conflict in Syria lead to tensions within Lebanese society

Safety nets

An underresearched topic

Recent publications on social protection in developing countries

Summer special

Making fun of gender stereotypes

Summer Special 5: Rosario Castellanos’ farce “El Eterno Feminino” is an expression of Mexican feminism

Summer special

Improbable friends

Summer Special 4: Chris Cleave’s novel “The Other Hand” contrasts London’s rat race to civil strife in Nigeria


Bumpy road to development

Uganda’s poor road network is threatening regional trade and development

Nicaragua Canal

A violation of civil liberties

By building the Nicaragua Canal, Nicaragua’s government is ignoring the concerns of its own people

Nicaragua Canal

Citizen protests

Citizens directly affected by the construction of the Nicaragua Canal are fighting against the project

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