
Marginalised margins

Money and political power in Chile are concentrated in the capital

Social cohesion

Inclusive future

Why the rights of persons with disabilities belong on the Sustainable-Development-Goals agenda

Faith-based regime

“Shias support underdogs”

How the regime in Tehran ticks

Medical services

Science-based clinic or witch doctor?

Benin's public health services are good, but too weak


Lebanon needs help

Refugees from Syria are a welcome addition to the workforce in Lebanon, but a burden for the infrastructure

Civil Peace Service

Overcoming prejudices

Lebanese residents and Syrian refugees in eastern Lebanon work on solving their conflicts

International cooperation

Exporting the Energiewende

Germany wants other countries to follow its progressive energy policy – and could do more in their support

Health care

Wormy water

Merck, the German pharma corporation, is contributing to the elimination of schistosomiasis

Health care

Transmission and implications of bilharzia

Transmission and impact of schistosomiasis


Innovations wanted

The EU’s global soft power hinges on its social model, which looks increasingly shaky to some observers

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