Development and

Imprint / Masthead

D+C Development and Cooperation is a cross-media publication produced on behalf of

Service für Entwicklungsinitiativen
Media affairs: Petra Gohr-Guder
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40, 53113 Bonn, Germany

Board of advisers:
Selmin Çalışkan, Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Prof. Dr. Katharina Michaelowa, Dr. Susanne Neubert, Bruno Wenn

Editorial team: 
Eva-Maria Verfürth (EMV, editor-in-chief, responsible for content according to Germany's regulations)
Editorial staff: Dr Katharina Wilhelm Otieno (KO, editor), Jörg Döbereiner (JD, managing editor), Maren van Treel (MVT, social media editor), Dagmar Wolf (DW, assistant)
Freelance support: Leon Kirschgens (LKI, Nowadays column), Roli Mahajan, Lucknow (RM), Ronald Ssegujja Ssekandi, Kampala (RSS, Nowadays column), Malcolm Bell (translation), Claire Davis (translation)
Student assistant: Isah Shafiq

Digital project management:
Susanna Karademirci, Inga Schörmann

D+C Development and Cooperation
Pariser Str. 1,
D-60486 Frankfurt am Main,
Telephone: +49 (0)69 7591-3110

Fazit Communication GmbH
Pariser Str. 1,
D-60486 Frankfurt am Main,

Managing directors
Jonas Grashey, Hannes Ludwig
Registration court: Amtsgericht (Local Court) Frankfurt-am-Main
Commercial registry number: HRB 108854
Value-added tax identification number (VAT ID) pursuant to section 27a of the Turnover Tax Act: DE 312574501

Web portal:
Project coordination
Dr Michael Klein

Technical operations and hosting:
Blackpoint GmbH

Layout, design, technical implementation:
3st Kommunikation

The opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of ENGAGEMENT GLOBAL gGmbH or the editors of D+C and E+Z.

Provided that they indicate the original source, third parties have the permission to republish in complete or abridged versions the manuscripts published by D+C Development and Cooperation and E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit. However, those who do so are requested to send the editorial office two hard copies and/or the links to the respective webpages. This general permission does not apply to illustrations, maps and other items with explicitly and separately marked copyright disclaimers.

The editorial team requests that no unsolicited manuscripts be sent, but suggestions and abstracts are welcome.

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