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Green energy corridors deliver electricity

In India, KfW Development Bank is financing the construction of transmission lines and substations to bring green energy from remote regions to consumers


Hating Jews, but supporting Israel

Elon Musk’s barely concealed antisemitism hurts his advertising revenues, but does not seem to affect his relationship to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu


Solar modules gleam in the bright African sun

The first solar power station in Côte d’Ivoire delivers electricity to 35,000 households

Climate negotiations

Once again, climate-summit results are “too little, too late”

Three decades after UNCCC was adopted, it is clear that it did not deliver what it was supposed to deliver


Reach climate goals with Power-to-X

Morocco is focusing on renewable energies. Germany has been its partner from the outset. Construction of a reference facility for green hydrogen (Power-to-X) is the first project resulting from the hydrogen alliance between the two countries

Development financing

Wrong priorities in Germany’s federal budget

The German government is planning to cut funding for development cooperation and humanitarian aid – an alarming signal


“Expansion of renewables offers enormous employment potential”

Development Minister Svenja Schulze on the need to ensure a socially just transition for a sustainable energy transformation


Rapid further expansion of renewable energy

Good news from the International Energy Agency (IEA): renewable energy capacity will increase by a record amount in 2023. That involves a lot of work, in which KfW is playing its part

Our View

Close funding gaps

The World Bank’s reform agenda is an urgent matter. To rise to global challenges, however, more money is needed too

Regional integration

Why Zambia needs the AfCFTA

Comparatively small economies need open trade to drive growth

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.