Development and


Tigray conflict

Ethiopia’s fragile peace

A peace treaty aims to end the Tigray conflict in northern Ethiopia – but it can only succeed if underlying problems are addressed


Good education for everyone

Though poor education affects society as a whole, many governments do not prioritise the sector appropriately

Climate and biodiversity

To protect life on earth, we must cooperate

The world conferences of Sharm el-Sheikh and Montréal have shown once again that global crises require multilateral solutions


Libya lapses into Gaddafi nostalgia

More than ten years after the collapse of the Gaddafi regime, the situation in Libya is so devastating that some long for pre-revolutionary times

Democracy under attack

8 January 2023 in Brasília looked like 6 January 2021 in Washington

In protest against legitimate election results, right-wing extremists vandalised government buildings


How Beijing managed to calm protests fast

In view of nation-wide rallies, China reversed its zero-covid policy

Alcohol abuse

Unwilling and incapable of working

Alcohol abuse of men is a major challenge in central Kenya


Pakistan is paying price for neglect of climate adaptation

Not having contributed much to climate change, Pakistanis suffer impacts

Global affairs

How Biden’s promise of America being back might come true

White House stance on both climate and democracy are of great global relevance

Rules of governance

Demise of Brazil’s democracy would speed up climate crisis

If President Bolsonaro stays in office, he will further undermine Brazil’s institutions of democratic governance

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