Development and


At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

is economist and head of the non-governmental organisation Visions Solidaires in Togo.  

All articles of Samir Abi

International relations

African responsibility for climate justice

African elites like to blame the rich nations for the climate crisis, but should reconsider their own attitudes too

Brain drain in Africa

Brain drain in Africa’s health-care sector

Medical professionals are emigrating from Africa because of catastrophic conditions in the health-care sector. Yet the trend also has advantages

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Social protection

Togo’s temporary basic income by text message

Innovative social-protection scheme in small west African country during Covid-19-Pandemic


Solidarity helps to escape pandemic

How the Covid-19 pandemic contributed to more social protection in Togo


The first disabled member of Togo’s parliament

In Togo, activists have already achieved a great deal for people with disabilities

Demographic dividend

Demographic change as a driver of economic growth

Will Africa really profit from a demographic dividend?

Population growth

Global challenge

Africa needs 450 million new jobs to benefit from the demographic dividend


Religious pluralism serves peace

Africans practise a mixture of traditional animist beliefs and monotheistic religion

Psychiatric problems

Metaphysical explanations

In West Africa, traditional or religious practices are often the preferred method of treating mental disorders


Something is happening

Togo sees progress in the struggle for the rights of people with disabilities

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