Nationalist warfare

Putin’s attitude is imperialist and his mindset paranoid

Why Russia’s attack on Ukraine is totally unacceptable

Free speech

Protecting freedom of expression is a permanent challenge

Quality media deserve appreciation because only they enable people to form and express informed opinions


Facebook investor: democracy and freedom are incompatible

Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel is more dangerous than an FT portrait admits

Development cooperation

In spite of the Taliban, Afghanistan deserves help

To support Afghanistan’s people, international community should restart development cooperation

Latin America

Chile’s next president faces huge challenges

Chile’s voters want fundamental change – but stability is needed too

International cooperation

How to escape global crises

Only international cooperation can deliver global green recovery

Climate crisis

Ban solar geoengineering

If a technology’s risks cannot be assessed, it must not be used – and certainly not globally


Looming minority rule in the USA

Joe Biden’s global influence is diminished by an unrepresentative Senate

Violent conflict

Reasons why the AU is dithering while Ethiopia burns

Only Ethiopians can solve Ethiopia’s problems

Our view

The truth must be remembered

Those who suppress the historical truth, ultimately want to suppress people

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