Development and


Harmful practices

Why pesticides are more a curse than a blessing

Herbicides, fungicides and insecticides cause serious environmental harm and put human health at risk – but they are not a foolproof way to boost production.

Neglected tropical diseases

Overshadowed by the “Big Three”

When it comes to major infectious diseases in the global south, most people inevitably think of the “Big Three”: HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. However, “neglected tropical diseases” (NTDs) also deserve attention.

River blindness

Dangerous tiny worms

Onchocerciasis, commonly known as river blindness, is classified as a neglected tropical disease (NTD) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Almost all people affected by the disease live in sub-Saharan Africa.

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How sustainable agriculture benefits from moderate animal husbandry

Farmed animals have many advantages and have a role to play in sustainable global agriculture. However, there is an urgent need for a switch to livestock farming that does not compete with human food crop production.

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Ethiopia backs electromobility

Ethiopia is the first country in the world to restrict imports of combustion engine cars. The move is celebrated as a leap in development. At the same time, large parts of the country still lack roads and an adequate power supply.

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Development policy

Triangular development cooperation on equal footing

How the Brazilian government is using its G20 presidency and why triangular cooperation is playing an important role.

International law

How ICC is relevant in civil war in Sudan’s Darfur region

Prosecutor of International Criminal Court is expected to issue arrest warrants soon

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Rural development

Agricultural policies must take into account local voices

Because of the climate crisis, a rethink is needed in rural affairs, and it is indeed happening internationally

Lapsed immunisation

“There is a lot of genocidal rhetoric”

In Gaza, the first case of polio after 25 years is a harsh example of what the collapse of healthcare means in times of war. This crisis is human-made, and Israel bears responsibility, as medico international’s Chris Whitman told Hans Dembowski in an inte

Creating value

Women, climate and chocolate

To eradicate hunger globally, more value must be created locally.

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