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Democracy protection

Protecting democracy, averting autocratisation

The global wave of autocratisation requires a change in the promotion of democracy

West Bengal

Grassroots pre-school education in two Adivasi villages

Marginalised communities especially benefit from good pre-school facilities, for example in India

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Brain drain

Why Bangladesh’s best minds are moving abroad

Frustrated by a lack of opportunities at home, many educated Bangladeshis are seeking work in foreign countries

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Mediterranean migration route

Alleviating the suffering on Lesbos

Thousands of refugees continue to live on the Greek island in unacceptable conditions. They receive support by civil-society organisations

Women’s migration

Better jobs for migrant women

Migrating can be an empowering experience for women but also involves considerable hardship. Policy action is needed to improve their opportunities

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Urban housing

“A story of abandonment”

A devastating fire killed 77 of the poorest residents of Johannesburg, fuelling discussions about urban housing conditions in South Africa. In this interview, human-rights expert Nomzamo Zondo talks about the political and social context of the catastroph


Elections in Pakistan at a crucial moment

The national elections in Pakistan, previously postponed multiple times, are now scheduled for February 2024. The prolonged delays have heightened political tensions in a country already grappling with uncertainty


A brief history of Hindu-supremacism in India

Many western observers fail to understand how fundamentally authoritarian the ideology of India’s current government is

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Language learning

Neglected language support in German nursery schools

In many German nursery schools, language learning is not a big focus. This particularly affects children with a history of migration


German law professor assesses possibility of war crimes in Palestine and Israel

That Hamas is breaking the law does not allow Israel to do the same, says expert on international humanitarian law

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