Development and


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Rita Schäfer last contributed to D+C/E+Z in 2024 as freelance author and scholar.

All articles of Rita Schäfer

Sexual minorities

Human rights for all

Those who love in a non-heteronormative way are under pressure in many countries around the world. At a conference in Cape Town, activists for the human rights of sexual minorities discussed the challenges they face.


The roots of the family

The legal status of women in South Africa is better than ever before – on paper


A controversial issue

South African views on male circumcision diverge - tradition and health matter

Men as agents of change

Role model

Outdated male stereotypes are hampering gender equality in South Africa

Civil strife

Culture of male violence undermines society

Tackling male violence after civic strife

Peace missions

Women make peace

Women’s roles in UN peacekeeping


Dangerous camps

Haiti: Sexualised violence in refugee camps

Women’s rights

Overburdened judiciary staff

South Africa struggles to enforce modern family legislation

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