Food insecurity

Food insecurity: alarming international trends

This year’s Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that things are getting worse

Children’s rights

Involving local partners in education

In Assam, an initiative for children’s rights is tackling Covid-caused challenges

Children’s rights

India: Education for children in spite of coronavirus

In order to maintain social services in pandemic, aid organisations are providing supplies to local agencies


Environment-friendly pest management

Why organic agriculture does not need synthetic pesticides

Rural life

Activists raise awareness of ecosystem relevance in Malawi

Agricultural biodiversity has been neglected far too long, for instance in Malawi

Women’s empowerment

Double burden of household work and earning money

As in many developing countries, masses of women are slaving away in Nigeria’s informal sector


International community misses maritime protection target

International agreements endorse notion of sustainable blue economy

Ocean life

“Blue economy” is more than a catch word

Humanity depends on maritime resources and must exploit them sustainably

Multidimensional crises

Why we must not turn our backs on Afghanistan now

Afghanistan‘s multi-dimensional crisis has only just begun


Refuge in a storm

Charities caring for the most vulnerable face hard times during the pandemic

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