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Press freedom

Sri Lankan journalists working in fear

Rajapaksa brothers’ long history of suppressing free speech through attacks and intimidation

Online media

How Sri Lanka keeps the press muzzled

Sri Lanka’s independent online news outlets face an uphill battle to be heard

Sinti and Roma

Sinti and Roma demand equality and participation

Racism and antiziganism are deeply rooted in European societies

Relevant reading

Progress undone by pandemic

International reports show that Covid-19 has interrupted middle-class growth and exacerbated poverty

Summer Special

A shy girl becomes the face of anti-racist protests

The movie “The Hate U Give” addresses racism in today’s society in an entertaining way

Skin-whitening products

Why lighter complexions are associated with higher status

The trade in skin-whitening creams is a sign of internalised racist ideas of beauty

Our view

Decoupling prosperity from skin colour

Racism persists because marginalised communities are largely excluded from positions of leadership

Social stratification

Myths of middle class dynamism

Africa does not have a homogenous, progressive and fast growing middle class

Social stratification

“The promise of well-paid, secure jobs did not come true”

Oxfam strategist Duncan Green explains why the economic paradigm seems to be shifting internationally

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.