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Poverty Reduction
International standards

Better data systems for better social protection

A global initiative aims to develop international standards for data systems to improve support for those in need

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“We don’t need saviours – we need dialogue on equal footing”

Journalist and founder Düzen Tekkal discusses the progress Germany has made on immigration, and what still needs to be done

German policy

Germany values respect, reciprocity and alliances

The BMZ response to James Shikwati’s criticism of its Africa strategy

Migration in Latin America

Venezuelans continue to leave their country on dangerous treks

People of all ages still leave Venezuela using ever more perilous routes. North America remains an increasingly desirable destination

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Migration from West Africa should not be a crime

To the detriment of Senegal’s people, their government is supporting the migration policies of the EU

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Sovereign debt

Why Pakistan’s economy is in deep crisis

Climate change and other global developments are severely exacerbating Pakistan’s home-made problems

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Political jargon

Why “global south” is not a useful term

Some powerful nations – especially China – do not fit into the dichotomy of a global north and south


Abandoned towns, abandoned people

In the north of Zimbabwe, former miner and their families stay in abandoned towns living in poverty and hoping that mining will resume some day

Flight and displacement

Displacement is part of almost everyone’s history

Flight and displacement are a scourge of humanity that conceals untold numbers of individual fates

German policymaking

The BMZ seems stuck in a European mindset

Africa strategy of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development does not answer Africans’ questions

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