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Poverty Reduction
Migration in Africa

Life as a refugee in Kenya

Kenya offers safety to refugees who fled from violence-torn South Sudan, but even highly skilled persons lack job opportunities

Gender justice

Encouraging women to profit from e-commerce in Africa

Female entrepreneurs play an important role in Africa’s fast growing e-commerce market, yet they keep encountering obstacles


Telemedicine centres bring health care closer to excluded communities

Thanks to telemedicine, remote communities in the Amazon get medical advice in their region


Promote digital learning in Pakistan

Pakistan should invest more in both education and digitisation to promote literacy and close obvious gender gaps

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Why we believe in our Digital Monthly

What purposes our Digital Monthly serves, and how it differs from the print issue

Multilateral institution

What the World Bank must do better

Leading German government official demands reforms at multilateral development bank

International news reporting

How foreign reporting depends on NGOs

Journalism in many countries is increasingly interlaced with civil society organisations. This can be problematic

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No more work for informal garbage collectors

In Harare, a foreign company got a deal for exclusive rights for garbage collection, what infuriated informal worker

Humanitarian aid

Digital platform makes emergency assistance easier

In disasters, the civil society organisation World Vision uses the “Last Mile Mobile Solutions” system to register those in need and get them assistance

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Global governance

What is wrong with WTO and IMF?

Indonesian economist assesses recent track record of two multilateral institutions of vital importance for international development

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