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Poverty Reduction

Overwhelming health challenges

In Malawi, hospitals and health facilities are overburdened and on the verge of collapse, the government is powerless due to financial restraints

Our view

Digitalisation requires private dynamism and prudent regulation

How private-sector companies drove digital progress in developing countries and why governments still matter

Impact investing

SDG financing: how billions become trillions

To mobilise private funds, the business environment must be appropriate


Communal meals unite rich and poor

The custom of “mahwauro”, a practice of serving meals on fresh banana leaves, is a reminder of the possibility of an equal society in Zimbabwe

World Bank

Biden’s interesting choice for the World Bank’s top job

Ajay Banga, who thrived on Wall Street, will most likely be appointed World Bank president

Violent conflict

High hopes abounded during Pope’s visit to South Sudan

Pope Francis stirred optimism in the conflict-torn country, but will people’s expectations be fulfilled?


Human trafficking on the rise

Illegal immigrants face despicable conditions on their journeys and many end up dead or suffering life-threatening conditions in Zambia

German policy

BMZ makes bold statement of intent

The new Africa strategy of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

Letter to the editor

Agrarian traditions exploited

A reader’s response to the editorial comment in the November issue of our Digital Monthly

Social protection

Togo’s temporary basic income by text message

Innovative social-protection scheme in small west African country during Covid-19-Pandemic

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