Latin America

Implementing a green recovery agenda

Latin America has room for improvement in using nature-based solutions, digitalising sectors, and improving transport and energy infrastructure

Green recovery

Reviving Latin American economies sustainably

Latin America and the Caribbean should focus its economic recovery budget on ‘green’ projects

Fair prices

Expert advice from the Netherlands

How the InfoBridge Foundation is promoting fair-pricing approaches

Fighting poverty

Setting ‘fair’ prices

What governments should do to boost the incomes of poor farmers and workers

New Federal Government

Several things to like

Two development scholars assess coalition agreement of Germany’s new federal government

Agriculture and biodiversity

Tackling the global land-use trilemma

Protecting food security, biodiversity and climate requires new mindset everywhere


New fund for conservation areas

Many conservation areas in income-poor world regions need better funding. KfW Development Bank has established a new tool to address this issue


Biodiversity conservation areas need better funding

Humanity depends on a diverse natural world but many important conservation areas are underfunded, especially in developing countries

Plastic waste

A tidal wave of trash

A tide of plastic waste threatens Zimbabwe’s environment and key industries

Our point of view

Safeguard ecosystem services to save humanity

Determined international action on biodiversity is needed – and largely missing

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