Our view

On climate, advanced nations must deliver

Industrial countries have to scale up their action as time is running out for achieving the goals agreed in Paris

Solar power

Water for a parched land

Solar powered irrigation systems boost agriculture in arid parts of Zimbabwe


How coronavirus is affecting HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria

Global Fund reports setbacks in the fight against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

Climate protection

Lawsuits brought by young ­activists worldwide

Young climate activists from all over the world and their successes


Climate protection is a children’s right

Young activists are taking legal action to demand climate protection from policymakers


Finding new purposes for used drums

How a low-cost digester produces biogas


Why biogas is good for the environment

Zimbabwe is jump-starting rural biogas production with a new low-cost technology

Summer Special

Healthy soil, healthy climate

Documentary presents a vision of farmers for a different, climate-friendly form of agriculture


Fortifying crops

Bio-fortified crops can improve both nutrition and economic growth in Zambia

Planetary boundaries

Consumerism is unsustainable

Why other world regions must not copy western consumption patterns

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