Easter Island

Song of home

A renowned concert pianist left it all behind to open a school on Easter Island


Moving a mountain of mangoes

Sun-drying mangoes solves a market-access problem for smallholder farmers


Global warming and biodiversity loss mutually reinforcing

Fragile mountain habitats are becoming increasingly precarious in Hindu Kush-Himalaya region


Growing dependence on Benin’s informal sector

In Cotonou and Porto Novo, economic slump has hit middle class hard


Useful insects

Innovative recyclers are turning larvae of black soldier flies into animal feed

International relations
Biden administration

Biden is respoding to climate activists

How demands for a Green New Deals are inspiring White House policymaking


Civil unrest: Costs and benefits

Losing the privilege of hosting COP25 on Chilean soil in 2019 was not all bad

Climate change

Why Chile can set an example in environmental protection

Chile lost the chance to host COP25 on its soil in 2019, but could shine at COP26

Weather forecasts

Waiting for rain – and advice

Crop farmer Elinat Daka relies on nature for a good yield, and timely weather-based advice would help

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