
At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Manzur Kadir Ahmed

Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK)

last contributed to D+C/E+Z in the autumn of 2022 as the coordinator and chief executive officer of Gonoshasthaya Kendra (GK). He is a medical doctor.  

All articles of Manzur Kadir Ahmed

Sustainable development

Bengali doctor says pandemic proved validity of SDG agenda

Covid-19 caused hardship in Bangladesh, but proved less devastating than initially feared

Maternal health

Why paramedics and midwives matter

GK, a non-governmental health-service provider in Bangladesh, knows how to reduce maternal mortality substantially

Our Contributors


The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.