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Living with disability

Therapy for young people with disabilities in Colombia

In Colombia, it is often difficult for children and young people with disabilities to receive medical care. The “Familias siguen adelante” project aims to change that

Global governance

How to safeguard food security in climate crisis

The global food system both contributes to climate change and is threatened by it

Pastoralist communities

Greenhouses in the desert

In Kenya’s Turkana County, the climate crisis is wreaking havoc. Severe droughts, disappearing water sources and dwindling livestock are driving the Turkana people to the brink of famine. Local organisations are trying to achieve food security

Development in culture

Overview culture special

Our overview compiles our culture special reviews

Medical anthropology

Medical anthropology: Global health and social inequalities

The COVID-19 pandemic was not the first incident to show how closely connected health issues are to global contexts and social inequalities. Medical anthropologists examine these connections in an increasingly interconnected world

Climate finance

Climate-finance commitments are not being met

Many high-income countries are failing to meet their climate-finance commitments

Evidence-based policy

Global One-Health debate is not properly balanced

Top-down approaches dominate One-Health agenda in high-income countries, while bottom-up approaches prevail elsewhere


Pakistan is facing a looming water crisis

The government in Islamabad has launched several initiatives to address the country’s water problems

Medication supply

Pharmacists Without Borders is facing unprecedented challenges

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the organisation Pharmacists Without Borders has had to manage its largest emergency aid mission yet

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Water tenure

Fair access to water for all

In many places, water use is not sufficiently regulated by law. The FAO’s Global Dialogue on Water Tenure aims to make a difference

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.