Development and

Elasticsearch Mini

Elasticsearch Mini

In brief


Opportunities of climate protection

International community must rise to global challenge of environmentally sustainable growth

Municipal cooperation

Grassroots of democracy

Development policy needs local partners

European Union

A wake-up call for less arrogance

Africa-EU-Partnership JAES needs revitalisation


On the run

Displaced persons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Human rights

Denial within one’s family

Many countries deny gay and lesbian people’s human rights

Energy policy

26 lonely rangers

Latin America lacks a coherent energy policy

Budget support

Undermining democratic control

German think tank criticises EU approach to budget support

Food security

Educate farmers

Dispute over intensification of smallholders’ production


Underestimated potential

Local networking with migrations would help development agencies


World Bank sees opportunities

World Bank considers foreign investors interest in African farmland an opportunity

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.