Print edition
Contents April issue

Hans Dembowski:
Appropriate business environment
The benefits of generic-pharma production | Arms exports to countries of the Arab spring | ADB recommends introducing carbon taxes in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka | Nowadays: Tough choices for India’s anti-corruption campaigners | The historic West German model for debt relief
Focus: Food
Interview with Wilson Jidasu Kitinya:
Impact of malnutrition on Tanzania’s development
John Ulimwengu, Cleo Roberts and Josée Randriamamonjy:
Need in a land of plenty: average diets in the DR Congo
Najma Rizvi:
Enduring misery in spite of fast economic growth in Bangladesh
Dagmar Milerova Praskova:
The global system is keeping people hungry
Uwe Hoering:
Food lost and wasted
Sandra Abild:
Large-scale land transactions and their implications
Christina Gradl et al.:
How smallholdings can be included in commercial value chains
Eduard Nedelciu:
Organic farming in Moldova
Dirk Niebel:
New development goals must go beyond the MDG agenda
Aristide Tiendrebeogo:
Failure likely: Burkina Faso’s people do not trust politicians – nor do they trust government’s devolution policy
Hans-Heinrich Bass and Thanh Trung Nguyen:
To avoid traffic gridlock, Vietnam’s cities need new policies
Abdullah Al-Farooq:
In Bangladesh, crimes committed in the liberation war have deadly repercussions today
Comments on the new pope and Kenya’s elections | Letter to the editor