Print edition
Contents May issue

Hans Dembowski:
A longing to belong
Beyond the Millennium Development Goals | Failure of participatory budgeting in Peru’s water sector | The global challenge of land degradation | Nowadays: Support for Syrian refugees in Lebanon | Sustainable tourism | Women and the World Wide Web
Focus: Religion and politics
Muna El Shorbagi:
Muslim Brotherhood grabs ever more public offices in Egypt
Romuald Bolliger et al.:
Islamic teaching and water issues in the Arab world
Interview with Becky Adda-Dontoh:
Socio-economic frustration drives violence and compounds Christian-Muslim divide in Nigeria’s Plateau State
Carlos Albuquerque:
Evangelical churches are gaining ground in Brazil
Alan C. Robles:
Catholic bishops rally the faithful against reproductive-health law in the Philippines
Helmut Danner:
Voodoo, witchcraft and African spirituality
Interview with Father Sebastian Painadath:
Peace at the grassroots level: Hindus, Muslims and Christians in India
Dirk Niebel:
The need to strengthen smallholderfarms’ resilience to drought
Daniel Bernet:
Due to climate change, two Nepali villages must relocate
Rigmar Osterkamp:
Test run of basic income grant fails in Namibia
Comments on potential oil production in the DRC’s Virunga National Park and the World Social Forum in Tunis