Print edition
Contents June issue

Hans Dembowski:
Good-for-nothings deserve opportunities
African internet innovations | India’s over-regulated labour market thwarts growth | Downsides of green technologies in developing countries | Opportunities of exchange with Iran | Nowadays: Hunger Project in Benin
Focus: Youth worries
Interview with Florentine Fandio:
Support for adolescents in Cameroon
Marie Pardey:
Sex education for teenagers in Douala
Interview with Seth Oteng:
Ghana’s Youth Bridge Foundation wants to boost involvement in public affairs
Ulrich Nitschke and Alice Priori:
Politics is pointless in the eyes of Palestinian youth
Boro Baski:
Young Adivasis face huge challenges in India
Interview with Jesus Felipe:
Asia’s developing countries need more good jobs
Katja Dombrowski:
The traumas of the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror linger on and mark Cambodia’s young generation
Interview with Gudrun Busch:
Affordable private-sector college Anhanguera in Brazil
Heike Meuser and Holger Thomsen:
Decentralisation in Mozambique
Benjamin D. Ofori and Jesse S. Ayivor:
Erosion affects Ghana’s traditional mud houses
Arwed Milz:
Solar power in rural Burkina Faso
J. Jackson Ewing:
Food concerns in Asia
Interview with Amel Grami about womens’ rights activism
in Tunisia | Letters | Comment on the judgement against Guatemala’s former dictator