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DW Akademie

Self-regulating Mongolian media industry

Since 2015, Media Council of Mongolia has handled 500 ethics complaints


The internet is crucial

Hugh Williamson of Human Rights Watch assesses the state of press freedom in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Free speech

Protecting freedom of expression is a permanent challenge

Quality media deserve appreciation because only they enable people to form and express informed opinions

Development cooperation

In spite of the Taliban, Afghanistan deserves help

To support Afghanistan’s people, international community should restart development cooperation


For a sustainable future, Malawi must restore forest lands

Country in southern Africa needs a vigorous programme of land conservation and tree-planting to reverse the steady erosion of forests

Latin America

Chile’s next president faces huge challenges

Chile’s voters want fundamental change – but stability is needed too

Public finances

“This is not tax-payer money”

Bangladeshi climate scholar explains why global finance scenario is „totally unfair“

Our view

The truth must be remembered

Those who suppress the historical truth, ultimately want to suppress people

Humanitarian action

Tackling climate-related displacement worldwide

Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have launched an insightful report on how they manage disasters and prevent them in the first place

Social media

Hundreds of thousands of online trolls support Duterte

In the Philippines, we see how social media undermine democracy

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.