Recht, Verwaltung
Relevant statistics

Power in numbers

Kenyan women's rights activists base campaigns on statististics


“Focus on boosting domestic revenues”

African Tax Administration Forum to focus on boosting domestic revenues

Violence against women

Small steps, great success

Cambodia is successfully fighting domestic violence


Regulating Africa’s data-highways

Internet: Rules for africa’s data highways

EU expansion

Watchdog and cooperation partner

In Romania and Bulgaria, civil-society organisations are demanding rule of law

Relevant reading

Lots of room for interpretation

Experts discuss women's right in Muslim law

War crimes

The string-pullers

Germany-based masterminds of Congolese war crimes


Guantánamo failure

Four crucial contradictions in Obama’s Guantanamo policy

Development and the arts

Novelist, activist, martyr

The lasting legacy of Ken Saro-Wiwa in Nigeria




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