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Poverty Reduction

The first UN Sustainable Development Goal is to end poverty in all its forms everywhere.

Rebounding tourism set to support Sri Lanka’s economic recovery

Tourist arrivals have increased rapidly in Sri Lanka in the past two years, and experts expect a still larger influx in this year’s tourism season. An upturn in the hospitality industry would support the national economy.

Children’s health

Vaccinations are crucial for children’s health

In the past 30 years, the mortality rate for children under five significantly dropped worldwide

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Export commodity

Burundi tea farmers under pressure

Growers in Burundi complain that the price they receive for tea is too low. They demand more money

Our View

Close funding gaps

The World Bank’s reform agenda is an urgent matter. To rise to global challenges, however, more money is needed too

Regional integration

Why Zambia needs the AfCFTA

Comparatively small economies need open trade to drive growth

Labour market

Developing Malawi’s food sector

Malawi’s food processing industry has great potential but cannot keep up with demand. Cooperatives can be part of the solution


Land-use conflicts undermine food security in Nigeria

Climate crisis and population growth increase pressure on arable land in West Africa


A mobile app extends much-needed credit to smallholders

In Malawi, a new app helps farmers to organise their finances and ensures that they have funds available when they are most needed – during planting season

Farmers’ rights

Secure land tenure boosts resilience to global heating

Rural communties’ right to use the land they depend on deserves more attention


Investing in rural communities

Smallholder farmers are central to achieving food security. The UN organisation IFAD supports them with funds, access to markets and training

Pension money

Benefits for Zambian workers

In Zambia, workers can now withdraw up to 20 % of their pension savings allowing to reinvest the money