Development and


At D+C/E+Z, we are proud of our international network of authors. It is particularly important to us to be a platform for voices from the global south. Some authors contribute on a regular basis, others don't. Here you can find information about the people behind the contributions.

Jörg Döbereiner

Jörg Döbereiner

is a member of the editorial team of D+C Development and Cooperation/E+Z Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit.  

All articles of Jörg Döbereiner

Global governance

Working together for the human right to water

More cooperation is needed – from the local to the international level – to ensure that the UN targets for water are not missed

Multilateral policymaking

Involving local people in order to reach biodiversity goals

At the COP15 in Kunming-Montréal in 2022, Jochen Flasbarth helped broker consensus


“The Woman King”: Emancipation and bloodshed

In this entertaining action drama, African women warriors fight for self-determination. The film is not necessarily historically accurate, but inspiring nonetheless


“We don’t need saviours – we need dialogue on equal footing”

Journalist and founder Düzen Tekkal discusses the progress Germany has made on immigration, and what still needs to be done


Relations with stakeholders drive GIZ success

While GIZ evaluation report shows good results in 2022, the agency’s leaders see room for improvement


Social disparities thwart climate justice

Environmental burdens must be shared fairly – within world regions and between them

Climate and biodiversity

To protect life on earth, we must cooperate

The world conferences of Sharm el-Sheikh and Montréal have shown once again that global crises require multilateral solutions

Overview living with disabilities

Inclusion instead of discrimination

Around the world, persons with disabilities are discriminated against, though they could be empowered to fully participate in society

Our view

UN climate summit in Egypt did not deliver on mitigation

In spite of land mark decision on loss and damage, COP27 was a disappointment

Social inclusion

Refugees offer opportunities

There are more refugees in Uganda than in any other African country

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