
Non-nuclear opportunities

Success in the nuclear talks with Iran would be welcome, but cannot be taken for granted

Human rights

Violent abuse of detainees

Why the Philippines feature in Amnesty International’s anti-torture campaign


Medicine for Syrians in need

In a clinic in Turkey, Syrian medics help Syrian refugees

Land reform

Redistribution that triggers violence

After 27 years, the Philippine land-reform programme has only been enforced to not quite 80 %

World leadership

Incoherent challengers

The G7 is more coherent and influential than the BRICS


Libyan film about illegal prisons

The first film produced in post-revolution Libya deals with torture

Global public goods

“Failure is not an option”

Philippines Senator assesses outlook for Paris climate summit in December

Southern African Development Community

Murderous xenophobia

The impact xenophobic violence in South Africa has on Zimbabwe

Land grabbing

Growing demand for land

Why land grabs have become a hot topic

Land grabbing

Shared responsibility

How to prevent land grabs

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