Refugee policy

“Grim problem”

Media judge the EU’s resolutions on refugees as insufficient


Stay in touch

For the last time, our monthly magazine has gone to press


Equal rights for all

Discrimination is a global phenomenon – but some places are worse than others

Relevant reading

Protecting and promoting minorities

Relevant reading: how to protect minorities

Identity politics

Islam’s deep divides

Islamists’ bloody infighting proves that their faith is not the monolithic force they claim it to be

Multilateral affairs

“Tax holidays are counter-productive”

DAC Chair Solheim says it makes sense to use aid to improve tax revenues in developing countries

Sexual minorities

Look through “LGBT glasses”

German development agencies could do more in support of sexual minorities


Living in anguish

Uganda treats refugees well, but their situation is often desperate nonetheless

Renewable energies

The global transition

Germany is leading the way to transition to renewable energy supply


Thai-style democracy

Almost a year after the putsch in Thailand, the military clings to power

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