
New visions

Einhard Schmidt-Kallert’s new book assess urbanisation trends in the global south

Ghana is setting a democratic example

Nana Akufo-Addo, Ghana’s next president, is facing huge macroeconomic challenges


Facing hell in prison

The conditions in Malawi’s prisons are atrocious


A blow to democracy

Fragility of Gabon’s political structures comes to light in presidential elections

International cooperation

Take agencies by their word

An international think tank wants aid recipients to be more assertive in relations with donor agencies


Homosexual students under threat

Homosexual university students in Zimbabwe are being harassed

Peace process

Hopes and fears

Colombia is struggling to reach new compromise after peace agreement with FARC was rejected in referendum

Terre des hommes

Global collective

Terre des hommes involves its partner organisations from developing countries in its strategic planning


Close to blowing up

In view of growing tensions in the DR Congo, European and African leaders must act fast to prevent turmoil


Take on hate crime

Germany’s Federal Government should heed the advice spelled out in a recent report on hate crimes

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The UN Sustainable Development Goals aim to transform economies in an environmentally sound manner, leaving no one behind.