International law

The African Court

The African Union plans to extend the jurisdiction of the African Court of Justice and Human rights

International criminal justice

Dissatisfaction with the court

In view of criticism of the ICC, a balanced debate concerning international criminal justice is needed


Slipping apart

Turkey and the EU are drifting ever further apart

Displaced persons

Ignored people

Forced displacement is at record-high numbers


Preparing students for reconciliation

Libyan schools want to teach tolerance

Modi’s campaign against black money may backfire politically

Why India’s government made Indian banknotes worthless

Civil Peace Service

Dreams of a better life

GIZ photo competition in Lebanon results in pictures that illustrate young people’s visions


Monitoring elections online

Social media, the internet and governance in Zambia


Successful self-help

Cooperative market secures livelihood of 900 market trader women in Abidjan

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