
Turkey’s government cracks down on Cumhuriyet

Silencing the media is a sign of weakness


Flexible and disciplined

As self-organised savings communities, “tontines” are an example of economic, social and cultural solidarity in West Africa

World trade

The fig-leaf approach to human rights

EU trade policies do not take human rights in to account appropriately


Outlawing victims of massacres

Victims of the 1980s massacres in Zimbabwe are often denied their papers


Boatloads of books

Grassroots initiatives are ensuring that children have access to books in some Indonesian villages

weltwärts volunteers

“We don’t need much money”

Leader of German NGO discusses project in Ecuador with weltwärts volunteer


Government responsibility

The fight against infectious diseases is a task for national governments and the international community

United Nations

Mixed results

New Urban Agenda adopted by UN conference Habitat III in Quito in October

Health care

Medicine for all

Gavi and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria are saving millions of lives

Food security

Better figures

Global Hunger Index 2016 reckons that things have improved – but almost 800 million people still suffer hunger

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