International cooperation

Dealing with authoritarian governments

Universal governance standards are not in force everywhere, but are useful nevertheless

Neglected disease

Life-saving rubber boots

Thailand’s third most deadly disease is melioidosis

Self-serving African presidents back off from ICC

Out-dated idea of sovereignty is not anti-imperialist

Trump is dragging US democracy down into the dirt

Strongman attitudes and presidential aspirations

Medical research

Diseases of the poor

Neglected tropical diseases affect more than a billion people worldwide


Global health challenge

Experts want poor people in tropical countries to benefit from advances in medical technology

Pandemic threat

The global threat of dengue

390 million people in more than 120 countries were infected with dengue in 2014

Habitat III

KfW supplement: "Shaping urbanisation"

Development Bank discusses strategic approaches


At least 900 dead in 2015

Indonesia is striving to get a grip on dengue

Health care

“Involve the local people”

To control diseases in poor countries, awareness raising and capacity building is needed at the grass-roots level

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