
More turmoil to come?

Clinging to power, President Kabila threatens peace and stability in DR Congo

Urban development

A fast growing city

Brief overview: Mangaluru

Urban development

“Mental attitudes matter”

Civil-society leader discusses the recent development of Mangaluru, a south Indian harbour town


Displaced yet again

Many South Sudanese have become refugees several times


Arranged marriage, forced marriage

What is an arranged or forced marriage?

Military coup

Rehabilitate the victims

Indonesian government should heed proposals of International People’s Tribunal concerning atrocities of 1965

Right-wing backlash – Colombians vote against peace

Surprisingly, Colombians voted against the peace agreement

Marital tradition

Marriage first, love later?

Fewer arranged marriages in Arab countries

Criminal South Sudanese elite

New report reveals war crimes of South Sudanese officials

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