Land policy

How to ease tensions in Sierra Leone

In Sierra Leone, too many farmers have lost their fields as a consequence of large-scale international investments

Do not over-emphasise the role of ISIS in Mindanao

Fighting in Marawi has been going on for three weeks


Crowded spaces

Masses of Indian slum dwellers must fear eviction

Civil society

Relevant players

Report offers insights into developmental role of German foundations, but does not provide real overview


Hunger pushes children out of school

In Zimbabwe’s hunger-hit regions, many children drop out of school

Civil society

Diminished civic equality

Philanthropy is gaining ever more influence in the USA – and that has international implications

Child development

Empowering parents

Special interventions empower Caribbean parents with skills to promote their children’s development

Water supply

Long-term structural development

Despite civil war in South Sudan, GIZ is working on infrastructure improvement to supply water to people

Private donors must not be allowed to distort public policy

The rise of big philanthropy is a symptom of ever-increasing inequality

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