Health care

Pay or die

In Togo, whether a person gets health care or not depends on personal wealth

Safe drinking water

Funding matters

Malawi still has a long way to go to achieve universal access to safe drinking water

“Good versus evil” rhetoric does not help in MENA region

Saudi Arabia is a bizarre place to spread the message of non-sectarian tolerance

Disease control

No water, no hygiene

Trachoma is a blinding disease that thrives under conditions of poor sanitation and hygiene

Trump’s FBI scandal has international repercussions

Media pundit Fareed Zakaria sees US democracy in danger – and things are probably even worse than he says

Water and sanitation

“Every farmer must have an improved latrine”

Access to safe water is crucial for disease control

Cultural heritage

Revealing cultural diversity

A film project wants to show Brazil’s cultural diversity


Freshwater from the desert

Libya has the world’s largest irrigation project

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