Summer Special

Constructed justice

Milo Rau’s multimedia art project The Congo Tribunal calls for accountability for millions of crimes


Neo-Nazi trial with many unanswered questions

Shortcomings of Germany’s dealing with far-right terrorism


One step forward, one step back

Zambia’s efforts to achieve the MDG goal of primary education has affected secondary education negatively

Policy doctrines

Straight talk on economics

Harvard economist Dani Rodrik demands policy space for developing countries

Yascha Mounk’s assessment of the rise of populist leaders

Expressing a popular sentiment does not make you a democrat


Endless strikes

In Togo, teachers often go on strike to demand better pay

Summer Special

Black revolutionary artist

The African-American Jean-Michel Basquiat rose from graffiti sprayer to artist of international fame

Summer Special

Resolving the Middle East conflict in a soccer stadium

“The 90 Minute War” – a movie about a soccer match to resolve the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Political violence

Murdered hope

Civil-society activists are increasingly at risk in Brazil


Evaluation 2.0

Digitalisation and changing conditions will determine how development projects are evaluated in the future

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