
Evaluation 2.0

Digitalisation and changing conditions will determine how development projects are evaluated in the future


Human trafficking

In Zambia’s rural areas, poor girls are often promised jobs in the city, and then sold by human traffickers

Press freedom

Local media and violent strife

For dangerous work, war reporters deserve to be prepared – and paid – well

Expert discussion

Laying the basis for lasting peace

UN has shifted peacebuilding focus from international to local level

Emergency relief

“One of the greatest tragedies of our time”

Years of civil war have left South Sudan’s citizens with hunger and displacement

Transforming transportation

Combining digitalisation and mobility

A transportation transformation is necessary and possible in Africa, but it will look different than in industrialised countries

The important ways in which AMLO differs from Trump

To what extent is Mexico’s next leader a “populist”?


Blaming the women

In cases of rape, Ugandan politicians blame the victims – and the way they dress

Summer Special

Nordic tragedy in Afghanistan

Danish screenplay assesses ethical dilemmas faced by European troops in Afghanistan

Clean energy

Oikocredit invests in clean ­cooking

Why Oikocredit has invested in Inyenyeri

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