Distorted perception

Middle-income majority

Hans Rosling showed that humankind is in a better shape than generally believed


Highlight hardship – but point out progress as well

Charity organisations need to show achievements, not just suffering

How Kabila wants to stay in power without running for office

It does not look like the DRC is headed for free and fair elections

Disease control

No news can be good news

It looks like the Ebola outbreak in the DRC is under control

Development strategies

New paradigm needed

The root causes of African indebtedness are still the same

Failed policies

Descent into hell

In Africa, structural adjustment did not trigger fast growth, but had a contractive impact


Extorting travellers

Why some people still pay bribes to cross ECOWAS borders

Summer Special

Robbed identity

Uday Prakash is an Indian fiction writer who is interested in how poor people are marginalised and exploited

Summer Special

“Just being born a woman is a provocation”

French-Moroccan novelist holds up a mirror to a hypocritical society

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