Climate change

Loss and damage gets a boost

Experts call for a global market price for carbon emissions


Major breakthrough

What last year’s update of the World Bank’s poverty line means

Traveling in times of terror

Humanity cannot afford too much air traffic

Greenhouse effect

Generating energy from waste

In Chile, scientists show how to convert solid waste into energy

Primary schools

High on the agenda

The UN and the German government want more to happen in support of education


Digitalisation revolutionises work

Human Development Report 2015 calls for equitable and decent work for all

United Nations

New challenges

Climate conference puts UN’s credibility to the test


World famous as a result of social engagement

Mexican corporate giant Cemex is determined to supply low-income customers with building materials


Mexican cement's global strength

Up-to-date business practices and corporate social responsibility are keys to the success of Cemex, probably Mexico’s most global company

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