Environmental hazards

Stop global trend of chemical intensification

Application of chemicals must become safer and more sustainable

Special interests

The public good must not be left to powerful billionaires

Beware of plutocrats’ self-interest, even when they engage in philanthropy


Pesticides are useful, but must be applied responsibly

Africa is starting to catch up with other regions in regard to pest control

Our view

Chemical intensification set to breach planetary boundaries

Only global cooperation can bring about sound chemicals management and sustainability

Serious health hazards

Consumers need better information concerning toxic chemicals

Common consumer goods contain dangerous substances that are known to harm human health


More things Eva von Redecker misunderstands

Advanced capitalist societies do have an idea of the common good


Von Redecker’s “revolution promoting life” is a distraction

Demographic trends show that global capitalism is not a death cult

Urban master plans

UN-Habitat provides advice on how to design liveable cities

What difference successful urban master plans make

Labour migration

Preserving the lifeline of migrants’ remittances

For many developing countries, reduced remittances and less foreign-direct investment are a double whammy

Cobalt mining

Battery-powered growth

Zambia is looking to boost production of cobalt for use in electric vehicles

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