
Stream-bank cultivation and gold panning add to the problems

Siltation of reservoirs is worsening Zimbabwe’s already dire water shortage

Relevant reading

Singapore’s clever approach to public housing

Why UN-Habitat praises Singapore in its latest issue of its "Housing Practice Series"


KfW promotes energy-efficient new buildings in Mexico

The “EcoCasa” project offers financial incentives and technical support to help real estate developers boost energy efficiency

Energy efficiency

Climate targets require energy-efficient buildings

Construction and operation of buildings account for almost 40% of the world’s energy-related CO2 emissions


German government officer assesses the limits of ODA

Competences needed for improving international aid efforts

Urban development

Urban growth can cause water supply problems

In Istanbul, drinking water has gone from being an affordable public good to a commodity


Book shows rays of hope in climate crisis

Small-scale action can achieve quite a lot, helping people to cope with climate crisis

One Health

Holistic approach

To fight zoonotic diseases, KfW development bank endorses the One Health strategy


Dying out

As fish catches in Burundi dwindle, fishers face hard times


An energy transformation without subsidies

Since 2014, Chile has recorded one of the world’s largest percentage expansion of renewable energies in the electricity sector

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