
Inclusive insurance for everyone

In times of climate crisis and pandemic, low-income groups worldwide need better access to affordable insurance

Informal sector

Social protection for everyone

Informal workers deserve to be shielded from shocks such as sickness and unemployment

Garments production

Clothing must get more value again

Textile production is an ethically, morally and ecologically complex issue – the industry needs social and sustainability standards

DBL Group

“We are growing dynamically”

Automation will have multiple implications, positive and negative – for example people will have better training so their opportunities improve

Global environment

The climate crisis is escalating fast

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns 1.5 degree-Celsius limit will probably be breached, at least temporarily


Do not neglect African security

The Ukraine war has important implications for the EU’s cooperation with African countries regarding security and peace

Global affairs

Keep international promises

UN resolution has isolated Russia, but should not be read as general endorsement of the west

Mining & Fisheries

Casting a wide net

Mining company KML aids the environment by putting fish in two of its dams


Tracks towards the future

Major new rail line aims to boost trade links between Ghana and Burkina Faso

Climate justice

Climate justice cannot be left to market dynamics

There is an international trend to draft green deals, but they are not up to task

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