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Homosexuals are still discriminated against in Kenya

Kenya’s LGBTQ community has scored several significant victories in the courts, further cementing the legal grounds for the protection of queers

Our View

Abandoning our own values

Driven by right-wing populist forces, the EU is tightening its asylum rules. Doing so is wrong for political, moral and economic reasons

World Bank study

Migration as a powerful force for development

World Bank development report presents policymakers with solutions for managing global migration

Mediterranean migration route

Alleviating the suffering on Lesbos

Thousands of refugees continue to live on the Greek island in unacceptable conditions. They receive support by civil-society organisations

Women’s rights in Algeria

Women stand up against femicide

After several brutal cases of femicide, many women in Algeria no longer want to put up with discrimination and violence

Environmental destruction

Tackling illegal mining in Ghana

Destructive mining practice led to extensive deforestation, water pollution and land degradation, causing substantial irreversible damage to Ghana’s natural resources and threatening the livelihoods of rural dwellers.

Women’s migration

Better jobs for migrant women

Migrating can be an empowering experience for women but also involves considerable hardship. Policy action is needed to improve their opportunities

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Why the acronym BIPoC is less useful than it seems

A term that can help to assess social dynamics in the USA is not useful in large parts of Africa and Asia

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“A story of abandonment”

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A brief history of Hindu-supremacism in India

Many western observers fail to understand how fundamentally authoritarian the ideology of India’s current government is

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