Development and


Food insecurity

Food insecurity: alarming international trends

This year’s Global Hunger Index (GHI) shows that things are getting worse

Social services

Vulnerable and voiceless

Ghana’s deaf people face systematic discrimination from school age onwards


Uganda’s poverty rate has risen 10 percentage points

As in many African countries, Covid-19 has exacerbated inequality in Uganda


What kind of teachers Africa needs to ensure social justice

A new book casts light on social inclusion and societal awareness in African schools

Latin America

Why desperate Latin American risk dangerous journey north

South American migrants are fleeing to the US via Mexico in growing numbers

Children’s rights

Involving local partners in education

In Assam, an initiative for children’s rights is tackling Covid-caused challenges

Children’s rights

India: Education for children in spite of coronavirus

In order to maintain social services in pandemic, aid organisations are providing supplies to local agencies

Social media

“The vast majority does not get any kind of sex education”

Teenagers around the world use the internet for self-exploration

Child labour

Childhood in a quarry

Many countries fail to enforce their laws banning child labour in quarries

War crimes

Children at arms

Short- and long-term measures are needed to stop the use of child soldiers

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