Development and


Child labour

Exploited minors are denied a school education

In view of wide-spread poverty, child labour is still far too common in Bangladesh

State building

How to make African statehood more successful

Citizenship and social protection are mutually reinforcing

Female genital mutilation

“Violence is related to a variety of social conditions”

The organisation Forward for Women assists women in Germany and Senegal who have been affected by female genital mutilation


UN Convention is geared to promoting active citizenship

Why some Latin American countries allow young people to vote at 16

Child brides

The scourge of early marriage

Poverty and cultural traditions push young girls into marriage in Malawi

Climate protection

Lawsuits brought by young ­activists worldwide

Young climate activists from all over the world and their successes


Climate protection is a children’s right

Young activists are taking legal action to demand climate protection from policymakers

Our view

Recurring infringements of children’s rights

Children's rights are violated worldwide – poverty is often the reason

Child labour

Facing an uncertain future

Benin’s children face systematic exploitation as low-paid labourers


Pressed into service

Human traffickers in Burundi find ways to get around child-protection laws

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